Since a birth time viruses attacking us and till dead, and thanks to vaccinations a few aggressors are fought, and they are keeping in frozen kind in special laboratories. For example a virus of black pox, and other waiting an own hour and watching us for on a non-favourable moment, when organism is weak, and immunity is low.
Virus on Latin means poison, this is parasite for RNA , in which concentrating all info, needing for reproduction virus part inside alive cell. Spirals DNA or RNA virus are wrapped with membranes. Virus is spreading just in vital cell and parasiting in any organism as from plants and animals , till ancient, not having are cells nucleus are archaeas.
Infecting by viruses happening by all possible ways, by air-dropsy, through infected items, by orally, genital, transfusion through blood transfusion, and through bites of insects, as ticks.
Scientists are working under preventing virus infections are long time. And a most effective method for avoiding infecting is isolating. Since long time ago this using method and a very hope method are stopping are dead epidemics , but a not an always ability to avoid these dead viruses. A long isolation is bad for humans and economic, and medical assistants are staying in high zone risk. And thus a second hope method are injections, they are visited us on 19th century. When English scientist, doctor Jenner Edward as added vaccination with a not dangerous virus for black pox for healthy peoples, and they are after not susceptibility to natural pox, from which are people dead. And he can stop lots of dangerous diseases as measles, poliomyelitis, typhus, Ebola s fever, tick encephalitis. Vaccinations are stayed a barrier for way to pathogen for virus infections, and serve a natural method for stimulation an own protection is immunity. A not success tries to stop with a vaccination mass as every day victorious march are viruses on the planet a flu, that showed, a nature is a not surrendering. Virus is adapted , and spreading are new kinds which are having effects surrendering new protection barriers. And a dream for humanity is keeping ,that to find in organism an organ, which protect and fight against external threat. And in a studying for ability fighting with viruses are found, that a first barrier virus in cell is a staying a one from hormones immunity is interferon. And lots of advices are directed on his stimulation as protein which preventing entering virus inside a cell. And he destroys a synthesis for virus proteins and stopping his spreading.And looking like by a nature came out a mechanism for rejecting a virus attack. But tries for often stimulating a manufacturing of this miracle protein are received lots of problems. And lymphocytes which are synthesizing interferon are not sensitive to inductor , but stopping such stimulating causing a fast lowering interferon synthesis, And human staying is not protective before viruses. Abundant for interferon in his intravenously entering provoking for the lots hard diseases , as tumors growing, forming stomach expressions, activating autoimmune diseases, headaches growing, muscle weakness, depression. Thus, a cure with interferon doing just on the exceptional cases. And in a few kinds for lymphomas. Or if disease is threat for life. And this is an awesome, that manufactured and tested an antivirus direction therapy in hepatitis C, B. Her effectivity lead till 95 percents, thus in these diseases an interferon not using. And if in visiting patient with flu and drip in nose a few interferon drops as flu interferon, thus organism not suffers, but receiving needing protection against virus. And today a popular theme is A how rise immunity? And in pharmacy these are lots of remedies, but a few are not endured tested and allowed by internation protocols, that you can receive a not protection, you are getting lots of complications.
And for the improving a condition an own immunity are best rest, healthy sleep, life, resistance for stress, and attention on the meal you are eating, which portions. And for restoring immunity is importance regular physical loading, as on a her time from a depot a blood in central blood current are removing young, active lymphocytres, and macrophages as a curative hands for immunity.
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