Cleaned and chopped apples put in pan, sprinkle sugar, vanilla, and ten min warm on weak fire.After a such mass apply on ready pancake, close,like envelope, and fry on pan in butter oil till crust. And pastry for pancakes cook of millet flour, with adding sugar and eggs. And fry pancakes on the hot pan, spreaded before a piece of fat.
500 gr of millet flour is 100 gr of suga, 3 eggs, salt by taste, and for filling a pancakes are 6 apples, 100 gr of sugar, 60 gr of sugar powder, 0.5 glass of water, vanilla.
Apple pie.
A pastry for pie cook of butter oil shaken with sugar powder, white eggs, and millet flour. And ready pastry 30 min keep on cold, after pie, put in oven as on spreaded form a fat, bake till crust,and after on the ready pie put a filling and cook in oven till ready.
Filling for cooking use are cleaned apples , chopped, and cooked in water, and rub through sieve, add sugar , 3 tbl.sp. fruit syrup or port vein, mix. Ready mass put on the pie , pour over a shaken white egg in sugar, and bake in oven till crust.
2 glasses of millet flour are 200 gr of butter oil, 4 eggs, 1.5 apples kg, glass of sugar powder.And variants for apple pie cooking is much,thus every cooker select a most acceptable.
Air pie of apples.
Clean apples, cut a middle, chop, bake on pan with water, rub through sieve, add sugar, good to mix, cook till thickness.A puree received add in white eggs shaken, mix, put on spreaded a oil a pan, and bake in oven for 15 min, sprinkle a sugar powder, and serve right away. And serve with cold milk individually.
350 gr of apples is glass of sugar, 6 white eggs, 2 tbl.sp. sugar powder.
Soup puree of apples.
A clean apples, chop, add in pot, add dry bread without a crust, add water, cook till ready, after rub through sieve with spoon, water dilute till a right thickness, add sugar, and lead till boiling.
Before serve add fromage.
400 gr of apples are 150 gr of white dry bread, 5 tbl.sp. sugar.
Spicy apple.
Cleaned apples stew on weak fire with water, add chopped onion, raisin.Scald a hot water tomatos, remove peel, and put in pot to apples,raisin, tomatos. Stew on weak fire for hour, and received spicy serve to meat, and fish.
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