466. Which juices am needing drinking.
As mix juices fresh of beet, carrot, cucumber, and use 0.5 glass before meal for 3 times a day.
467. I Am heard, that Petroselinum would help me.
Yes, these are a few variants for a cure as use two tea.sp. of juice Petroselinum for 3tims a day are for 20 days, rest for ten days, repeat the course. And in a cure eat more garlic, honey, onion, and on three tea.sp. a day and benefit are the juice of aloe, kalanchoe.
Seeds of Petroselinum 0.5 tea.sp. chopped adding in glass for the hot water, infuse 8 hours, use as on spoons within a day.
4 tea.sp. of chopped roots add in a glass of the hot water, infuse 15 minutes, use one tbl.sp. for 3 times a day before meal.
468. As does a benefit in prostatitis eat seeds.
Yes, eat everyday at 0.5 glass sunflower seeds and everyday use one tbl.sp. of sunflower oil.
469. Which meal would help me?
Eat carrot, Petroselinum, eat a salad of cabbage leaf, turnip top, spinach, tomatoes and this a very taste recipe as 400 gr of strawberry, half chopped pear, one banana, one tbl.sp. yeast beer, and squeeze juice of pear and strawberry, add juices in banana and yeast in a blender and mix till the same mass, use on glass for 3 times a day before meal.
470. Which plants would help me?
These are natural biostimulants as ginseng, echinopanax, schizandra as of drops as any drops infusion use for a one time a day as the first day are 5 drops, second are ten, third are 15, fourth are 20, 5 are 25, six are 30, 7 day is rest, course a cure is a month, rest between courses are month. And ginseng drops as a good stimulant as supporting organism with microelements use just on the autumn, winter, and on spring she causes lowering potency.
As mix juices fresh of beet, carrot, cucumber, and use 0.5 glass before meal for 3 times a day.
467. I Am heard, that Petroselinum would help me.
Yes, these are a few variants for a cure as use two tea.sp. of juice Petroselinum for 3tims a day are for 20 days, rest for ten days, repeat the course. And in a cure eat more garlic, honey, onion, and on three tea.sp. a day and benefit are the juice of aloe, kalanchoe.
Seeds of Petroselinum 0.5 tea.sp. chopped adding in glass for the hot water, infuse 8 hours, use as on spoons within a day.
4 tea.sp. of chopped roots add in a glass of the hot water, infuse 15 minutes, use one tbl.sp. for 3 times a day before meal.
468. As does a benefit in prostatitis eat seeds.
Yes, eat everyday at 0.5 glass sunflower seeds and everyday use one tbl.sp. of sunflower oil.
469. Which meal would help me?
Eat carrot, Petroselinum, eat a salad of cabbage leaf, turnip top, spinach, tomatoes and this a very taste recipe as 400 gr of strawberry, half chopped pear, one banana, one tbl.sp. yeast beer, and squeeze juice of pear and strawberry, add juices in banana and yeast in a blender and mix till the same mass, use on glass for 3 times a day before meal.
470. Which plants would help me?
These are natural biostimulants as ginseng, echinopanax, schizandra as of drops as any drops infusion use for a one time a day as the first day are 5 drops, second are ten, third are 15, fourth are 20, 5 are 25, six are 30, 7 day is rest, course a cure is a month, rest between courses are month. And ginseng drops as a good stimulant as supporting organism with microelements use just on the autumn, winter, and on spring she causes lowering potency.
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