461. A true, that man needs to avoid taking a hot bath for a long time.
Yes, Scientists from the USA shared, that taking a hot bath, sauna are bad for reproduction organs and sex affecting.
462. Crataegus infusion helps in impotence, as my hubby drinks her till glasses and am worry, that he can addict of her.
As berries, jam, infusion of crataegus are good in impotence, infusion not use till a glass for a day, her need a right and cook, as 100 gr of dried flowers adding in one l. of vodka, infuse dark into for ten days, shaking, filter, squeeze, use are 20-30 drops in water for 3 times a day before meal.
463. Which meal benefits in impotence.
As the benefit is a potato with peel, basil, as her add in dishes of fish, meat, as for a sex ability and rising potency eat within 3 times a day is a glass of nucleuses of walnuts with goat milk-drinking are 2 glasses all, course a cure a month.
464. As am read in the press, that Muraya helps in impotence, but recipe not shared.
As berries dried chopped till powder add honey as part of berries in 3 parts of honey, mix, use 0.5 tea.sp. in water 3 times a day before meal.
465. As periodically lowering potency, viagra does not use.
The as good remedy you can use 0.5 l. of dried red wine adding 0.5 tea.sp. of cinnamon, 5 flowers of pink, one tbl.sp. of honey, two tbl.sp. of sugar, 50 gr of raisin, piece of lemon. As wine lead till 60 degrees C is on weak fire, turn off the fire, infuse under a lid for 3 minutes, hot use is on the love dates, very benefit and taste and nobody will not know about your problem, as on West cinnamon is supporting sexual function is n the high level, as scientists also found, that brown aldehyde in cinnamon is calming effect having, lowering stress which is hindrance having.
Yes, Scientists from the USA shared, that taking a hot bath, sauna are bad for reproduction organs and sex affecting.
462. Crataegus infusion helps in impotence, as my hubby drinks her till glasses and am worry, that he can addict of her.
As berries, jam, infusion of crataegus are good in impotence, infusion not use till a glass for a day, her need a right and cook, as 100 gr of dried flowers adding in one l. of vodka, infuse dark into for ten days, shaking, filter, squeeze, use are 20-30 drops in water for 3 times a day before meal.
463. Which meal benefits in impotence.
As the benefit is a potato with peel, basil, as her add in dishes of fish, meat, as for a sex ability and rising potency eat within 3 times a day is a glass of nucleuses of walnuts with goat milk-drinking are 2 glasses all, course a cure a month.
464. As am read in the press, that Muraya helps in impotence, but recipe not shared.
As berries dried chopped till powder add honey as part of berries in 3 parts of honey, mix, use 0.5 tea.sp. in water 3 times a day before meal.
465. As periodically lowering potency, viagra does not use.
The as good remedy you can use 0.5 l. of dried red wine adding 0.5 tea.sp. of cinnamon, 5 flowers of pink, one tbl.sp. of honey, two tbl.sp. of sugar, 50 gr of raisin, piece of lemon. As wine lead till 60 degrees C is on weak fire, turn off the fire, infuse under a lid for 3 minutes, hot use is on the love dates, very benefit and taste and nobody will not know about your problem, as on West cinnamon is supporting sexual function is n the high level, as scientists also found, that brown aldehyde in cinnamon is calming effect having, lowering stress which is hindrance having.
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