Many writing are about a heels spur, and cure methods, but am having a spurs is on the pillow as in the middle, as very bad also, aches are horrible and on the night, as waking up of ache.Rubbing with infusion of callisia, or chondroxine, last time on apply lotions as of iodine bottle and ten ills of aspiring mixing as advised my neighbour. As iodine greases , but very bad smell gone from the socks and after added ammonia, as in spurs applies in shoes leaf of plantain, or burdock, cabbage as felt better. As this process am having within 30 years, recipes used from zoz are raw meat, piece of lemon with peel, as felt better and free walked for month, or two, and after again all begun. But read a zoz for NR 12, 200 years by Chekalova, as about a benefit rolling a pin in spur curing, and about a burdock benefit by Barmin Mr, am decided to do these advices as since 2008 rolling a pin and watching TV. As a right shares Chekalova,that aches are horrible, am patience and felt slowly better. As on the last time am chopping a burdock piece and sprinkle with infusion of pepper pod as mass this apply on the burdock piece after packet and such compress fixing for night to my leg, am done are such procedures are 5, am feeling better.
Dr.Alefirov comments this. As here a right example of combination cure where are using external help and physical culture, am having are two good recipes of alternative medicine as gall bear of as ball small, dilute in water,wet pods apply to place,where spur growed, as doing bandage is for an all night, course a cure is month. As if you could not found bear s gall use a medic gall.
Second recipe of five tea.sp. cook infusion of roots dandelion, as 5 tea.sp. for one l. of water, cook are 7 minutes and do leg baths as temperature is very high, just a leg patience. An adults patients are share about 13 procedures, am not having about this info as spur will to remove or not, and repeat you can. And also in shoes in heel on which is spur apply a cotton gauze or rubber ring, spur needing entering in this ring, as aches removing in walking and injuring of small tissues.
Am also cooked a remedy of chopped pills in iodine added and pour overed with cologne, its very helping remedy in aches.Am kept closed if remedy fallen as getting a spot,which you cannot to clean as especially on furniture.
Dr.Alefirov comments this. As here a right example of combination cure where are using external help and physical culture, am having are two good recipes of alternative medicine as gall bear of as ball small, dilute in water,wet pods apply to place,where spur growed, as doing bandage is for an all night, course a cure is month. As if you could not found bear s gall use a medic gall.
Second recipe of five tea.sp. cook infusion of roots dandelion, as 5 tea.sp. for one l. of water, cook are 7 minutes and do leg baths as temperature is very high, just a leg patience. An adults patients are share about 13 procedures, am not having about this info as spur will to remove or not, and repeat you can. And also in shoes in heel on which is spur apply a cotton gauze or rubber ring, spur needing entering in this ring, as aches removing in walking and injuring of small tissues.
Am also cooked a remedy of chopped pills in iodine added and pour overed with cologne, its very helping remedy in aches.Am kept closed if remedy fallen as getting a spot,which you cannot to clean as especially on furniture.
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