As am asking you a help for my niece, as on her 22 y.old, when on her children s age she cannot attacked her,as today as working with sweets she having allergy, but maybe these are on artificial substances, as pills prescribed for her, but she cannot find at Moscow, as which reason to find a way to cure.
As on a last time allergy is very spreading disease for today, as allergens are different as urticaria is a very hard diseases symptom as, as for quince edema, anaphilactic shock, yes, she need to be attention, as in hard for life symptoms are needing for doctor calling, as take attention on her face edema, neck,throat, asphyxia, as attacks happening with a sense loosing, and do not hope just on the pillows.As in urticaria are vessels penetrating very high, as edema display is fast, as here to find which allergens caused, and in your letter,maybe are on meal, artificial substances, but and on parasites, lambliosis, irritations are cold, radiation, high temperature, gastrointestinal diseases, filtration liver function is bad, stress, and any pill, supplement also plays with you an angry joke and causes urticaria.
As in acute stage is easy find reason and allergen, in chronic is harder, here are doing tests ,x ray, and doctor needing knowing your anamnesis vitae detailing, as for attack fighting using anti histamines, are pills or injections, as on a latest stages are second generation remedies effectively, as edemas in are hormones using, with adrenaline's, as locally apply ointments, gels, as doctor can to advise visit for physiotherapy are darsonvalization, radon baths, spa therapy.
Diet for you is number 5 with avoiding chokolate, alchokol, sausages, sweets, as often she having in stress and calming remedies, cleaning herbal teas.But also you can try are wraps of vinegar, juice of lemon rub damage side, oil of hypericum, baths taking of chamomile, bidens, roots burdock, viburnum or twigs of, ad in bath nettle infusion of three tbl.sp. for one l., of hot water, infuse for hour, filter.Also using are cholagogue herbs, are corn stigma, wormwood, lovage, radish, celery, as 100 gr of celery adding for one l. of water, infuse in thermos night, use on 1/4 glass within a day before meal, as also of radish, lovage, course are ten days.
As on a last time allergy is very spreading disease for today, as allergens are different as urticaria is a very hard diseases symptom as, as for quince edema, anaphilactic shock, yes, she need to be attention, as in hard for life symptoms are needing for doctor calling, as take attention on her face edema, neck,throat, asphyxia, as attacks happening with a sense loosing, and do not hope just on the pillows.As in urticaria are vessels penetrating very high, as edema display is fast, as here to find which allergens caused, and in your letter,maybe are on meal, artificial substances, but and on parasites, lambliosis, irritations are cold, radiation, high temperature, gastrointestinal diseases, filtration liver function is bad, stress, and any pill, supplement also plays with you an angry joke and causes urticaria.
As in acute stage is easy find reason and allergen, in chronic is harder, here are doing tests ,x ray, and doctor needing knowing your anamnesis vitae detailing, as for attack fighting using anti histamines, are pills or injections, as on a latest stages are second generation remedies effectively, as edemas in are hormones using, with adrenaline's, as locally apply ointments, gels, as doctor can to advise visit for physiotherapy are darsonvalization, radon baths, spa therapy.
Diet for you is number 5 with avoiding chokolate, alchokol, sausages, sweets, as often she having in stress and calming remedies, cleaning herbal teas.But also you can try are wraps of vinegar, juice of lemon rub damage side, oil of hypericum, baths taking of chamomile, bidens, roots burdock, viburnum or twigs of, ad in bath nettle infusion of three tbl.sp. for one l., of hot water, infuse for hour, filter.Also using are cholagogue herbs, are corn stigma, wormwood, lovage, radish, celery, as 100 gr of celery adding for one l. of water, infuse in thermos night, use on 1/4 glass within a day before meal, as also of radish, lovage, course are ten days.
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