They are very greasy in two days,itching,dandruff,sticky,and often hairs washing do not help,wash theirs for one time within 7 days with toilet soap,as before grease theirs with kefir or sour milk, and keep wrapping a towel for 15 minutes,wash with one tbl.sp.of vinegar or one lemon juice for one l.of water, soap changes on dry mustard in two l. of water as one tbl.sp. mixing in water. Greasiness will low if rinse theirs of coltsfoot infusion,nettle, plantain, hypericum, bark oak, as herb ads in hot water of one tbl.sp. of mass, or any from herb for half.l of water, infuse 30 minutes, filter.
Two times/week rub hairs a pads with infusion calendula wetted, or fresh sol.of boric acid as one tea.sp. for 1/4 glass of hot water,rub from roots till ends.
Clean skin in dandruff ,and strengthening use extract of henna acid, and in greasy seborrhea eat right as avoiding extractives of caffeine, cacao, chocolate, vinegar, alcohol, as skin oily will secretion abundant.
Two times/week rub hairs a pads with infusion calendula wetted, or fresh sol.of boric acid as one tea.sp. for 1/4 glass of hot water,rub from roots till ends.
Clean skin in dandruff ,and strengthening use extract of henna acid, and in greasy seborrhea eat right as avoiding extractives of caffeine, cacao, chocolate, vinegar, alcohol, as skin oily will secretion abundant.
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