By Kotelnikov, professor.
Its very spreading diseases as of vessels diseases suffering are males on 18-40 y.old, as with a most often damaging periphery arteries legs and hands. In obliterating endartheitis developing inflammation of inside membranes of arterial vessel. He is thickening and of this narrowing space of arteries, as till a full overgrowth vessel, that leads to destroy blood supply and tissues,which feed by artery, thus they are not getting needing quantities for oxygen and nourishing substances. Oxygen deficit is very visible feeling in physical loading and walking, as a first disease symptom is intermittent claudication, which is happening of aches in calf muscles and removing on calm.In begin hurt after 300–400 metres walking, in progressing diseases ache displaying earlier.
As on first endartheritis stage are pale skin covers of legs, rare acute ache worry in joints of legs fingers, increasing sweating legs. For second stage is aching in calf muscles , in walk is muscle atrophy of shin, hip. On third stage are displaying cracked skin, not healed ulcers on feets, constant hurt in theses trophic destroys, on 4 st stage is gangrene as necrosis tissues of fingers, feets and shin. But reasons for disease not found, but a long affecting cold, injuries legs, nervous stresses, smoking are affecting on his development, these all factors causing long vessels spasms, are entailing changing in inside arteries walls. A cure endartheritis is physiotherapy and surgery methods, into arterial entering remedies are not always saving patients from the hard complication is gangrene, thus importance not allow to disease admission and development,as and progressing. But endartheritis displaying as we are found of frostbites is not strong cold, but affecting on organism a long time. And in patients with risks, or suffering, temperature for feet are low. And frostbites happening easy, as on autumn, winter and early spring such people's frostbites legs in a high as for these times of the year temperatures. Thus, wear warmer, and who is working in cold as fisherman, hunters, lumberjacks.
Shoes is keep dry, soft wool socks, also warm overalls, leather free comfortable shoes with fur.
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