Premature baby was born on 38 weeks of pregnancy, mass of body 2500 gr body length on 45 cm, and life ability in baby depends on from mass a body, and date of birth, but from a how pregnancy has been . And baby birth is weak, if mum having cardiovascular, gynaecologic, endocrine diseases, kidneys, if on pregnancy had infections, smoked, drunk alcohol.
And a most often preliminary births are most often through smokers, then in not smokers, smoking is oxygen starving in embryo causing, delaying his growth.
First days of life are critique period for premature baby , that at hospital his lie in special boxes, but after is strengthened, his staying at home, and all depending on from his care.
A premature baby are risks for infections, then on was born on right time, thus in family who sicked, try to limit contacts with baby. And importance a clean his room keeping, every time is moisturizing cleaning room, that preventing from dust, that having staphylococcus , frequently use vacuum cleaner, that not use furniture, curtains having a dust.A peculiarity for baby ,that a wrong mechanism for therm regulation , are these babies sensitiveness to the cooling and over heating, thus at hospital theirs caring at special boxes, where keeping right humidity and constant temperature of air. To the time for leaving hospital a their regulation is restoring, but keeping not perfect, a most matching temperature are plus 20-22C. Ventilating about?Yes, doing , not worrying , as on summer keeping opening window as all time, for winter ventilate room for 3 times/day on 10-15 min, a baby can to stay in other room. Slowly habit his to temperature changing, swim his everyday as on the same hours, that is best hardening procedure, on begin water is 37C ,to the ending of first half year low temperature till 36C, on 6 months on 35C, and add walks. After leaving hospital on May-august, his an on a next day can visit fresh air for 10-15 min, everyday increase walking duration, lead her for week till half-2 hours on 3-4 times/day. As on winter walk on minus 10C, not windy days, but mass of his body lead on 2800-3000 gr, care increase walking hours on winter , slowly begin 15 min, everyday on 5-10min more, but not on 1 hour for 2-3 times/day.
Spring, autumn ,when temperature on 0 C and higher and not windy walks are to behind, if body mass on 2500 gr.
A best food for baby here is mum s milk, that growing organism filling for a full food, immunity increasing, ferments, and hormones. And a problem, that in a few mums on preliminary births and after is having hypolactation is milk absence or insufficient, but you must increase her, asking in doctor about lactagogue herbs, or search in my blog. And if its here not happened, thus artificial food using, or mixed. A mixture todays are different for prematures special as acidophil mixture Maljutka, Malish, Linolac.But for ration needing restoring minerals, vitamins ,thus since 3 months fed for fruit, vegetable juices as apple, lemon, carrot, black currant , first portions of juices on 3-4 drops, every day add a few drops and slowly lead till 30-50 ml.
Since 2-3 months, give fruit purées with 1/4 tea sp til 1-2 sp. for 3-5 times/day.
Complementary feeding since 4 months as for a first feeding is better vegetable puree. If baby not risk for allergy diathesis, add in purée yolk of hard-boiled egg, chopped in small milk quantity. And yolk add pinch, after 1/8, after 1/4, and slowly lead till half. On 5-5.5 months add second feeding as porridge buckwheat, oats, these cereals are full values by structure , than manna. Since 7 months add vegetable purée, adding grinding, sieved meat force /1 tea.sp. /day, to 8 months on lunch get 2 tbl.sp. force meat with vegetable purée. To 10 months forcemeat changes on meat balls, beginning giving dried cookies, rusks.
A premature baby is weak, bad development, that preventing this delaying use physical development. Complex for gymnastic and massage his prescribing by specialist at hospital, thus before feeding put baby on 2-3 min on the belly, for 1-2 times/day on begin , after on 3-4. That position strengthening muscles of occiput, belly, extremities, relieving ache in a belly of gases, which are having in babies. A premature babies are predispositioned to rachitic and anaemia, thus doctor prescribing preventing remedy of drops a vitamin D , iron remedies, his advices are care using. A doctor deciding question about a preventing vaccinations, on 1500 and less body mass was born are not using vaccinations on first years, theirs transferring on second year.
And in a good organized care, education,right regime for premature is development more intensivity temps,than his healthy babies, like catching up.And by latests researches stats was put, that mass of body in birth on 1000 mg in limits, to 3-5 years are same restored by stats for psychical and physical development with normal babies.Childrens with a high mass of body are to the first years leading , or earlier, or not endured on a baby time are hard diseases. And its alignment is leading by not a weak patent s attention, care, right sparing, but a right hardening and training regime.
Approximately regime of baby , was born on 1750 a body mass lower.
Till 3-3.5 months are 7 feeds with intervals in 3 hours and 6 hours night rests.Daily sleep are 4 times on 2.5 hours, wakefulness are 15-20 min.
Since 3-3.5 months till 6-7 months are 6 feedings in intervals on 3.5 hours.Daily sleep for 3 times on 2.5 hours.
6-7 months, till year are 5 feedings with intervals 4 hours, daily sleep for 3 times on 2.5 hours are 2 hours 15 min.
Approximately regime of day for baby was born on 1750 gr mass of body and higher.
Till 2-2.5 months are 7 feedings with 3 hours in intervals and 6 hours night rest. Daily sleep are 4 times on 2-2.5 hours, wakefulness times are 30-40 min.
From 2-2.5 -5 months are 6 feedings with 3.5 hours intervals , after 5 months till year are 5 feedings with intervals in 4 hours.
Daily sleep since 5 months and till one year are 3 times, and continuation his to 9 months till 2 hours on 2 hours, to 1 year till 2-1.5 hours.
By Jatsik, doctor for medical science, Gribakin, candidate for medical science.
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