By Ternova, candidate for medical science, Solovjev, doctor-resuscitator.
A case for accidents on a water are much. And in the world are every year drowning peoples . Dead from drowning is giving in only by dead from a road-transport accidents. Importance for preventing of an accidents on water are rises right now, when are more displaying interest to ponds , as a place for rest, sport competitions.
Drownings reasons are different, that accidents , who could not swim , as enjoying runs from bridge, from ship, or boat, wrong inflatable items, but, who is ability to swim, are dead , that swam on storm, as drunk, after abundant eating, in tiredness, or strokes, as in far swimming of a long staying in water, not ability used gadgets for swimming underwater, as over cooling or over heating organism. A muscle cramp too affects in water, labyrinth crisis, as a suddenly lost orientation in water or underwater, injury, heart attack. And dead can to begin of suddenly heart stopping and breath, and irritation of cold water are nerve ends in mucus throat membranes, trachea, bronchus, so as with a stopping breathing and blood circulation is spasms of muscles displaying, water not entering in lungs , thus in drowned not secreting foam or foam liquid. Skin is pale, such drowned are pale ,that is favourable kind for drowning by a possible a suffered to life in a using methods for cardiovascular reanimation. A most often drowning trying saving, is for many time staying on the surface top, that he was absorbing breathing in air, but of poor forces, entering in air, delaying breath and just after using limit of oxygen and accumulating in blood dioxide ,stimulating for breath centre, doing fatal breath in water.And here water enters in breath ways, breaking walls of lung alveoles and partially entering in blood.And stagnation appearances in big circle of blood circulation and small giving a cyanosis colour for skin and mucus membranes by drowned and theirs called cyanotic .From nose, mouth secreting a pink foam liquid enough, dead happening of heart stopping.
Asphyxia or dry type of drowning is a fast braking CNS, of injury vertebra pole, in diving, epilepsy attack, stenocardia, stroke, drunk, spasms of throat affecting on preventing water in lungs. Water entering in bronchus and alveoles just after dead by drowned also called a pale. And theirs not having rough wrongs for blood circulation ,as in cyanotic kind , but on a keeping air ness of lungs, quantity of thick stable foam , formed by proteins of plasma , entered in alveoles, a reason of dead is breathing stopping. Hardness of condition defining by different factors as base a long staying underwater, character of water as sea, fresh, her temperature. A continuation for dead period increasing on two times, if person periodically displaying on the water top, and ability doing a few breaths in.And a more longer dead stage ,thus a shorter period of clinical dead, thus a time on which a hope for favourable effect for revival methods.
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