An appearance on medical language calling meteorism , is not having relations to space aliens -meteors is not also taking relations. That is meaning more earth understand, as belly swelling of gases in bowel filling .
An every person felt confused of this , that at guest, car or work, but it's a harmless and understand, do not need to panic, but cases are different having. About meteorism in details, and methods for fighting said to us doctor for medical science , as traditional medicine member as international association is Strelnokov . And in healthy peoples belly swelling having of wrong meal, as of abundant drinking milk, eating beans, grapes, beer, potato, kvas, cabbage, col, thus a nothing to risk leading, after gases departures, as belly noises, heaviness, spasms, but in healthy person in norm are in adult having 900-1000 ml. of gases, that needing for supporting normal tone and peristaltic. A special stopping on this situation is not needing, but if after soljanka and beer in a human having special reactive processes, that you must to think about itself and about surroundings, but individual situations , and advice that not putting itself on shame situation, as on romantic date, or business meeting ,thus not eat food, causing gases. If it's happened, take 2 pills of grinded black coil.
But its hard, if gases are regular happening and not just after wrong food. It's not having in hard disease, but not complacent not need, but not everybody visit doctor to find a cure with these nonsense symptoms, but home remedies are much, am share a few, if they are not effectivity for you, visit a doctor.
And to begin, you must avoid. As in belly swelling not trying leading theirs removing with enema , laxative , or hot-water bottle, that bowel will more bursting and worsening a condition, As for a better long help check ration, that limiting sweets, sugar, they are causing fermentations as fried potato, gas drinks, fresh black bread, eat more protein food, meat, curd, fish.
Very dangerous food meal for gases forming are beans, kidney beans are loosing till 90 perc of an own specific effects, if wetting for 12 hours, or sprouting at wetted towel for 24 hours, but to cook stewed beans or peas porridge not in pot, better in pressure cooker , thus they are more steaming . From herbs are many calming bad wind ,that our ancestors informed , and known sense. As shi and porridge is our food, caused lots of problems in closed space at Russian huts. Chamomile infusion as one tea.sp . with top add in glass of the hot water, infuse min, filter, use by small gulps, regular drink on 1-3 glasses /day in depending on from gases intensity forming.
Sage infusion. Cook, use are same .
Good remedy is acorus root, a not full tea.sp. grinded till powder root soak in glass of cold, boiled water for 12 hours, warm, not lead till boiling m, filter. And ready infusion separate on 6 parts, before use every portion to warm, as put glass in pot with hot water, within a day drink are 6 portions.
And a famous carminative tea having.
Two glasses of hot water use one tea.sp. of fl. chamomile pharmacy, leafs of mint, seeds of dill, fl. sandy everlasting, leafs of yarrow, cook same, like of chamomile .
Remember for regular swelling belly are hide serious diseases these organs, liver, gall bladder, pancreas, heart, and not say about oncologic diseases, thus,am repeating, if you are not fought constant gases in bowel filling with herbs, diet, thus visit gastroenterologist, here is better play in safe.
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