A very pleasure on frosts wearing skirt, and thin tights.Its you must never know , that in head brain ,if you are not wore hat , under frost spaces of vessels faster lowering, supply a brain by blood. In small capillaries blood not enters, thus are displaying parts of ishemia, 1000 neurones are choking, and starving. But, nerve cells are very tender, 5 min without oxygen and dead are poor ,not restoring. And consequences for over cooling are true hard, not predictable, are leading to stuffy nose, but strong headache, lowering work capacity, migraine attack or hard cold. And after, you must think, that you are true pity for nerve cells. A bus not arrived, and all waited his on the bus station, true frozen till bones.But, you are cheeks very white-exclaimed, friend.
Let rub with snow!
Not need it- answered other.
Better a scarf!
Advices poured from all sides.
An here am written in a popular medic press, and asked :what is need to do better?
A fast paleness for skin covers is a one importance signs for local frostbites, or a how specialists share as a cold injury. What is injuring in organism? And for a first under affecting low temperature suffers blood supply for tissues and destroying metabolism processes, and all happening in cells and extracellular space are a most chemistry. But chemical reactions are very depending from temperature. And we are such arranged, that for reactions, displaying in organism, optimal temperature on 36-37C in limits .If , she is lowering, speed for reactions lowering .And, in plus 19 C metabolism processes almost stopping. But , cells of tissues by researches ,like entering in hibernation, anabiosis. Theirs you can return in working condition, if to act right.
And lots of are sure, if over cooling, frostbite is a faster needing warming frostbitten part, and it's wrong! If intensively warming stiffened hands, legs, cheeks ,theirs tissues are warming unevenly: surface layers are faster, but deep is slowly. And suffering from these are tops , theirs cells are ready turning in active metabolism and consume oxygen and nourishing substances, but downs are where not restored still a normal blood current, are not ability provide theirs an all needing. And in results are complications displaying, till necrosis of tissues.
Thus avoid:
Warm frostbites parts of body by dry hot, as keep hands, legs over opening fire from gas burner, oven, take very hot baths or shower, rub skin by snow, snow is aggravating frostbitting, and injuring skin by ice crystals and enter in micro injuries' infection.
And importance need to do is restore wrong blood supply in tissues, but slowly ,and gradually.
And thus apply right away on the damage's body a warm isolated bandage, yes, not wonder its bandage, using a woollen scarf, mittens, any warmed clothes. When patient entered at warm place,as better is rather, give drink hot tea with raspberry and honey, and 50 gr of cognac. All these affecting on vasodilating vessels blood and activating blood current in micro vessel channel, organism warming from inside. And also you can use any vasodilating remedies as aspirin pill, papaverine, that aspirin preventing forming unwanted conglomerates in a blood, doing her more liquid, if frostbite part hurts, use analgin, panadol, or any analgetic. And after in frostbite part displayed burning and light prick you can remove bandage and rub, not rub his cotton wetting in spirit, vodka, after again apply bandage and lie in bed under warm blanket. And other variant, prepare for frostbites a bath for hands , legs, water in her not hot, begin with 15-20C as slowly for hour lead temperature ,adding hot water till 36-37C, after bath care not rubbing dry till wipe hands-legs, wear woollen gloves and go under blanket.
Frostbites dangerous that necrotic changes in tissues are not development right away, but in 3-5 days after injury, what is need to alert?
A slowly increasing edema and skin cyanosis, bladders,like after burn, that is meaning about a deep damaging for tissue and risk for serious consequences.A faster visit close surgeries, or in surgery palate at hospital. In a common over cooling, when lowering temperature for all body, and patient loosing sense,his faster to wrap and faster deliver at hospital. And in data case baths, bandages are not saving, such patients needing in first aid.
By Loginov, candidate for medical science.
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