Every children having surgery on appendix, where at hosptal this diagnosis removing -appendix except , ache in bellyy ,and can give bowel colic,gastroenteritis, dissorders bowel, infection disease. These childrens are leaving hospital, or going in other surgery regions by profile, but other having surgery in 4 months, that ndespite on appendix, but babies staying at hospital .Early at Miscow from appendicitis dead are 14 childrens , and 10 was been till 3 y .olf Now,thanks for right hospitaization these stats are lowered.A case from appendectomis was been not hard, as surgery is not hard, thus one children has dead, but mums are loosing in questions as in after syrgery time, that what is ability and ability for children, allowed or not, thus her worries, and doubts we will sent to Surgeries main from moscows Nemsadze,he answeree on all worried questioms for mums.
And surgeries, or you doctor visited your palate and said, that surgery ended and it's OK. You are felt better, but what is next ?who will stay with my children that asking where is my mum? Let s all by order.
First days are positions on all doctors, that with children after surgery need to be nurse, not a mum, that after narcosis children s behaviour is worry, that not ability getting normal position, groans, or having euphoria, exciting, that is worry about not ready mum, and affecting on her very negativity, but these appearances usually after narcosis. Nurse will help , relieve condition in children , but at palate can to visit and mum. And on first days are strong ache syndrome, that to weak his, thus remove a high bowel peristaltic, which is happening after surgery on appendicitis. Thus , an importance to calm bowel, give for children mineral water gas free as Borzomi, Moscow, Essentuki, and mineral water on first days are better, but a good and rubbing meal, as a little potato puree, and not try to feed children faster, that you will give him extra suffers, bowel not stay over load, and not worry on the next day he eat more.
Second days. If on these day he can stand up, or sit, not keep him, bed regime after surgery is need,if appendix will abscess, with complications, conductions, or in peritoneum region added drainage.
Diet requiring sparing: potato purée, shredding apple, boiled shredded beet, stewed meatballs, feed children for 5-6 times, by small portions.
And not give any sausages, and not transfer to nurse, as not fried, spicy, salted!
Third day. Diet is sparing, children is waking up, walks, check attention on stool absence or staying, for first two days stool is absence , thus nurse will put enema with hypertonic solution, its a not simple cleaning,when more water having-as after surgery such enema avoiding doing. For hypertonic enema are enough 100-150 ml. of two perc. sol. of salt cooking ,by calculation on 10 gr salt in 100 ml. of water, which enters from rubber balloon, salt stimulates peristaltic and bowel cleaning, and gases removing.
And for plaster after surgery wound check nurse, on 3-4 day doing a fresh bandage, that checking on inflammation signs, and keeping till sieves removint.In not complicated appendicitis sieves removing on 7 day, after take blood for test and for checking inflammations signs, if OK, thus patient leaving hospital on 8-9 day.
At home.
A first condition, use meal regime. A not overload bowel, that is happening often as fruit over eating, children getting much fruits, bananas, apricots, apples, all need to be in limit. Avoid eat canned food, all just fresh, natural.
First week for 2 times/day check temperature, after hospital, when cancelled course for antibiotics, id display suddenly abscess nidus. Its not good, thus keep situation under control, check temperature on 8-9 am, and on 5-6 pm.
About possible complications.
Adhesions forming in children's are rare. , but about theirs you must remember. Against adhesions having a whole physical complex procedures, which are need to do. First signs, that in peritoneum formed adhesions a pulling hurt, if duct is infringed or crushed, acute hurt, spasms, and children cannot find place, vomiting having , stool without, thus a first and fast visit hospital.
If complications not having and all are good, in 2-3 weeks children returning in school, or kindergarten. And from physical culture lesson he free for month.
A two duty questions.
1. A sieve can to broke, that children small is not caring.
And usual after, not surgery complicated, when peritoneum region sieved awesome ,its not happening. If he wants to move, allow , he feels and own condition.
2. If after surgery the temperature raised ,what is to do?
A find here first a reason. Not give antibiotics, call a doctor give anti fever syrup or pill, that temperature can from inside inflammation, or from a possible is infection disease.
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