A better remedy here are ointments and teas, but from physical reasons, not from genetical.
1. Aesculus hip. fl. cort 1 part, althaea off. herb, rad. 2 parts, as 2-3 gr of mixed mass adding in 1/2 l. of hot water , closing for 4-6 hours, filter, use on an empty stomach.
2, Aesculus hip. herb, fl. cort. 1 part, fragaria vesc. fol. fr. 3 parts, viscum al. herb. 2 parts.
Cook and same use, as and other recipes.
3. Althaea off. fl. rad. 2 parts, crataegus sang. fl, fr. 3 parts, equisetum sp. herb. 2 parts.
4.Berberis sp. fl, fr, fol, rad. 1 part, calendula off. fl. 3 parts, helichrysum ar. herb. 2 parts. Avoid high dose!
5. Chicory arv. fol, rad. 2 parts, hypericum perf. herb 3 parts, origanum vul. herb, rad. 3 parts.
6. Equisetum arv. herb. 2 parts, humulus lup. fr. 2 parts, potentilla ans. herb. fol. 3 parts.
7. Chelidonius m. herb, rad. 1 part , melilotus off. herb 1 part, sylibum mar. rad 2 parts.Take care in hematopoietic diseases!
8. Crataegus sp. fl. fr. 2 parts, fraaria ves. fol. fr.3 parts, nigella dam. fl. sem. 3 parts.
9. Aesculus hip. fl. cort. 1 part, helichrysium ar. fl. 2 parts, melilotus arv. fl, herb 1 part. Avoid use in hemophilia!
10. Arctostaphylos uv. fl. fl. 2 parts, equisetum ur. fol, fl. 2 parts, vinca min. herb 1 part.
11. Aesculus hip. fl. cort. 1 part, betula sp. fol. g. 2 parts, viscum alb. herb 1 part.
Avoid in hemophilia use!
12. Arnoca mon. rad.fl. 3 parts, filipendula ul. fl. 2 parts, linum uss. sem. 2 parts.
As for skin using as nutritional ointments in atrophic kinds with tonics or vitamin E, and A.
1. Oil. hippophae rh. fr. 70 gr, tincture rhodiola ros. rh. 20 gr, mix oils and tincture and add 50 gr of vitamin E, and A.
2. Oil. rosae ping. fr. 70 gr, tinct. aralie rad. 20 gr, cook same and use.
3. Oil. sunflower .sem. 70 gr, tinct. leuzea rh. 20 gr.
Cook, use are same.
4. Oil. pino g. 70 gr, tinct.Echinopanax rh. 20 gr, cook, use are same.
5. Oil. rosae ping. fr, sem. 70 gr, honey, tinct. propolisi 10 gr.
6. Oil. hippophae rh. fr, sem. 70 gr, tinct. rhodiola ros. rh. 20 gr, tinct. leuzea rh. 10 gr, tinct.Mumio 1 gr, honey.
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