Process for the cooking herbal tea are of 1-2 herbs, which taste is good, colour and aroma. And selecting herbs before to smell, and check attention on the colour. And for a big saturation add black tea as one tbl.sp. of mixture mixed adding in one glass of the hot water. , infuse under lid 10-20 min, filter, and on the second brewing taste opening stronger.
Adding a magic .
And if you are cooking tea for somebody, thus mentally tune , components are not just on health and on the wishes for good change in life, and for example if you are very slow, sleeping with ,thus to tea add tone ,stimulating herb as hypericum, inula helenium, and energy and wish for to do will change his life and fate. And our ancestors are believed ,that viburnum berries protecting from evil eye, marigold and crataegus is amulet against evil s forces, but positive energy charging are fir, jasmine, chrysanthemum keeping love and self -understanding.
What to select.
For energy use are root of rhodiola pink, leuzea saphlor, echinopanax , herb buckbean, geranium meadow, leafs if shizandra china.
For calming are root valeriana, astragal wolly- flowered, fruits crataegus, leafs basil, herb parnasia palustris L leonurus, anemone, flowers calluna.
For clarity of mind are herb mint piperine, Melissa, basil, roots and leafs of firewweed angustifolia, herb and root artemisia .
Bazikova, herbalist
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