Pulmo et Jecur pulv.cp.H.
As to dry are liver and lungs of whale and grind till powder, add Shandra powder, honey, cook in good clean wine, and drink warm on the morning on an empty stomach for 3 times and poison remove with stool and vomiting.
As here is a not acute [oisoning meaning, so as remedy using is waiting till morning, and preparing for dry are lungs and liver is needing waiting also.
Flu infection, flu, cold, aches in the throat, cough, hoarse.
Shandra mixture H, Species grippales.
Take fennel, dill, add 1/3 of Shandra and cook in wine, filter, and drink as cough will to soft, and hurt in throat, voice bad this cook in wine fennel and Anthyllis macrocephala Wend. are on the same taking, and drink often, and voice return and voice with breast recovery.
Herb marrrubii 15 gr, Herb. Foeniculi 45 gr, Herb. Anethi 45 gr, Herba. verbascum 45 gr.
As in flu on 2 till 4 tbl.sp. these plants to boil in 3/4 l. of wine, for 2-4 minutes, filter, use warm in every 3 hours is on the half cup, as use just warm, or keep in a thermos, for children give less.
As this elixir hep in hard flu form as ache throat, cough, in high temperature adding water with galgan as 2 pills of galgan in raspberry water dilute.
Flu symptomatic, sneezing, voice bad, cough, headaches, heartaches, stomach catarrh, flu infection.
Pellargo pulvis CP.g.
A powder is against the flu.
A use geranium and german s chamomile as less, than geranium, nutmeg, less, than chamomile, grind all, mix, and in flu, heartache eat this powder with bread, or suck from a hand, and you feeling better, as the best powder is for a healthy heart.
In cold, sneezing breathe in a powder smell, and cold stops, and softer.
In cough in the breast a mix such powder with flour, form pie, bake on the pan, adding fat or oil, eat his often as before meal and after, and cough stops softer and easy remove, feel better.
In voice bad, ache throat as mix such powder in warm wine, drink and you are feeling better.
In headache as eat such powder with light scaled a salt for bread, or suck from a hand and you are the feel better.
In stomach flu.
Eat such powder.
As Hildegard here describes flu symptomatic are cough, headaches, stomach aches, cold, heart, headaches.
We produced an own powder of geranium anglicum, as with the tender aroma, as such aroma importance in selecting the remedy.
A powder against flu is work and evidenced and he needs to keep in every home Apotheke as with galgan a universal remedy against a true virus flu.
As to dry are liver and lungs of whale and grind till powder, add Shandra powder, honey, cook in good clean wine, and drink warm on the morning on an empty stomach for 3 times and poison remove with stool and vomiting.
As here is a not acute [oisoning meaning, so as remedy using is waiting till morning, and preparing for dry are lungs and liver is needing waiting also.
Flu infection, flu, cold, aches in the throat, cough, hoarse.
Shandra mixture H, Species grippales.
Take fennel, dill, add 1/3 of Shandra and cook in wine, filter, and drink as cough will to soft, and hurt in throat, voice bad this cook in wine fennel and Anthyllis macrocephala Wend. are on the same taking, and drink often, and voice return and voice with breast recovery.
Herb marrrubii 15 gr, Herb. Foeniculi 45 gr, Herb. Anethi 45 gr, Herba. verbascum 45 gr.
As in flu on 2 till 4 tbl.sp. these plants to boil in 3/4 l. of wine, for 2-4 minutes, filter, use warm in every 3 hours is on the half cup, as use just warm, or keep in a thermos, for children give less.
As this elixir hep in hard flu form as ache throat, cough, in high temperature adding water with galgan as 2 pills of galgan in raspberry water dilute.
Flu symptomatic, sneezing, voice bad, cough, headaches, heartaches, stomach catarrh, flu infection.
Pellargo pulvis CP.g.
A powder is against the flu.
A use geranium and german s chamomile as less, than geranium, nutmeg, less, than chamomile, grind all, mix, and in flu, heartache eat this powder with bread, or suck from a hand, and you feeling better, as the best powder is for a healthy heart.
In cold, sneezing breathe in a powder smell, and cold stops, and softer.
In cough in the breast a mix such powder with flour, form pie, bake on the pan, adding fat or oil, eat his often as before meal and after, and cough stops softer and easy remove, feel better.
In voice bad, ache throat as mix such powder in warm wine, drink and you are feeling better.
In headache as eat such powder with light scaled a salt for bread, or suck from a hand and you are the feel better.
In stomach flu.
Eat such powder.
As Hildegard here describes flu symptomatic are cough, headaches, stomach aches, cold, heart, headaches.
We produced an own powder of geranium anglicum, as with the tender aroma, as such aroma importance in selecting the remedy.
A powder against flu is work and evidenced and he needs to keep in every home Apotheke as with galgan a universal remedy against a true virus flu.
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