My friend collecting these recipes as helped for children, and professor allowed these using, as a cure is big patience, and condition is improving.
A diet is allowing meal are millet bread brands of, salt free, for taste use raisins, stewed meat fatless, as beef, rabbit, veal, chicken, Turkish, boiled fish, slightly fried, as zander, pike, white egg omelet, one egg/day, home milk, greens, potatoes, vegetables fried in oil, carrot, beet, cauliflower, salad, fresh tomatoes, cucumbers, any fruits, berries, honey, jam, pumpkin with porridges , salt-free vegetarian soups, marinade vegetable with tomato, sweet and sour ,fruit sausages, tea with milk, kissel.
Avoiding broths of meat, and good is jar with red ash berry ads honey, infuse three weeks, warm into dark, eat two tbl.sp. before meal.
And of herbs use herb kidney tea dessert spoon, herb field horse tail desert sp, hibiscus same, leaves plantain same, herb yarrow same, as two tbl.sp. ads in thermos on evening as half l, ads hot water, in 15 minutes , closing, for night, drink for three methods, warm before meal, as having effecting complex help in glomerulonephritis.
Leaves birch 1.5 tbl.sp, flax seed 2 tbl.sp, root inula 1.5 tbl.sp, as one tbl.sp. mass ads in glass for hot water, infuse till cooling, filtering, using within a day for a few methods, as anti allergy, diuretic, anti inflamed helping having.
Leaves nettle one tbl..sp, fr. hibiscus one tbl.sp, herb horse tail one tbl.sp, herb yarrow dessert sp, herb hypericum one tbl.sp, as same cook, use one glass for three times/day before meal in chr glomerulonephritis as on acute phase.
Fl.sambucus black one tbl.sp, herb cudweed dessert sp, herb yarrow same, as same cook, and 1/4 glass drink /day in chronic glomerulonephritis with albuminuria.
Leaf black currant dessert sp, berries Juniperus dessert sp, leaf birch, leaf bearberry, and one tbl.sp. leaf plantain, 1 tbl.sp. of cowberry leaf, one tbl.sp. leaf nettle, 1.5 tbl.sp. of field horse tail, 1.5 tbl.sp. of hibiscus fruits, 2 tbl.sp. fresh or dried berries Fragaria as two tbl.sp. mass ads in one l. of hot water, stew 30 minutes on water bath, filter, use warm as 3/4 glass for three times/day before meal.
Nettle 100 gr, yarrow 75 gr, black currant 100 gr, genista dye 100 gr, bedstraw 100 gr, hypericum 100 gr, agrimonia 100 gr, omela 10 gr, leaf birch 100 gr, as three tbl.sp. of herbs ads in thermos with three glasses of hot water, infuse night, filter,warm use as glass warm of for three times/day before meal.
Herb of kidney tea dessert sp, leaf plantain big same, herb horse tail field same, leaf nettle same, fl.calendula same, herb Biden's same,as two tbl.sp. ads in thermos in hot water pour over till top, infuse night, drink 1/3 glass for three times/day in glomerulonephritis with a high quantity of erythrocytes in blood.
One tbl.sp. dried chopped herb of buckwheat, ads in two glasses of hot water, infuse in closed dish for 30 minutes, warm into, use half glass for three times/day before meal.
Fr. hibiscus part, leaf of black currant part, leaf cowberry part, as two tbl.sp. mass ads in 1.5 glass for hot water, boiling for ten minutes, infuse two hours, drink on half glass warm for three times/day.
And water is soft, boiled for infusions cooking, as change one recipe on other, for addiction avoiding, as having analogist effect.
As glomerulonephritis is difficult disease, for difficult cure,and acute causing angina, scarlet fever, breath catarrh, otitis, and therefore you are avoiding these diseases and in display infection as stay in bed and right cure and in glomerulonephritis a good drinks as oats in milk as one tbl.sp. pats washed in hot water cooking in glass for hot water, filtering, drink on half glass every day ,as raising till 1/4 glass , as one glass and etc, and raising a oats till one tbl.sp and milk till two tbl.sp, and when you are leading till 5 glasses/day, beginning calculating back, and reacts is good a repeats procedure, and this cure liver, helps in gout, but milk on half milk diluting.
Hibiscus, cranberry and other berries do not boil, do stew, ads in hot water,warm closing, or ads in hot water in thermos.
And my relative for glomerulonephritis cure gives for children a juices mixtures,as pressed fresh and before every meal time, drinking till two times/day before meal, as first day of carrot juice 20 tbl.sp, juice of beet 6 tbl.sp, juice of cucumber 6 tbl.sp.
2 nd day as juice carrot 18 tbl.sp, juice celery 10 tbl.sp, juice Petroselinum four tbl.sp.
third day as juice of carrot 24 tblk.sp, juice of Petroselinum 8 tbl.sp.
Fourth day as carrot juice 20 tbl.sp, spinach 12 tbl.sp.
Fifth day as carrot juice 24 tbl.sp, turnip 8 tbl.sp.
Six day a cure begins again ,like on a first day, and on a same direction, and dosages are right, and keep right dosages, with measure cups on every juices variant.
As added 20 tbl.sp. of carrot juice, fix a plaster, after adding on 6 tbl.sp. of beet juice, again fixing plaster, adding 6 tbl.sp. of cucumber and again fixing plaster, and juices drinking within a month,after rest for month.
And a don not play a last role are for bathes, as herb adding cold water, boiling for 30 minutes, and do not filter,ad in bath, or dried herbs 800 gr, fresh 2 kg,water is warm, for 25 minutes taking, as for one time/week, before washing a body, and they are are additional cure to base cure, and parents are noting a graphic in diary on which day and what will to give for children of herbs, juice, baths and menu for week.
A diet is allowing meal are millet bread brands of, salt free, for taste use raisins, stewed meat fatless, as beef, rabbit, veal, chicken, Turkish, boiled fish, slightly fried, as zander, pike, white egg omelet, one egg/day, home milk, greens, potatoes, vegetables fried in oil, carrot, beet, cauliflower, salad, fresh tomatoes, cucumbers, any fruits, berries, honey, jam, pumpkin with porridges , salt-free vegetarian soups, marinade vegetable with tomato, sweet and sour ,fruit sausages, tea with milk, kissel.
Avoiding broths of meat, and good is jar with red ash berry ads honey, infuse three weeks, warm into dark, eat two tbl.sp. before meal.
And of herbs use herb kidney tea dessert spoon, herb field horse tail desert sp, hibiscus same, leaves plantain same, herb yarrow same, as two tbl.sp. ads in thermos on evening as half l, ads hot water, in 15 minutes , closing, for night, drink for three methods, warm before meal, as having effecting complex help in glomerulonephritis.
Leaves birch 1.5 tbl.sp, flax seed 2 tbl.sp, root inula 1.5 tbl.sp, as one tbl.sp. mass ads in glass for hot water, infuse till cooling, filtering, using within a day for a few methods, as anti allergy, diuretic, anti inflamed helping having.
Leaves nettle one tbl..sp, fr. hibiscus one tbl.sp, herb horse tail one tbl.sp, herb yarrow dessert sp, herb hypericum one tbl.sp, as same cook, use one glass for three times/day before meal in chr glomerulonephritis as on acute phase.
Fl.sambucus black one tbl.sp, herb cudweed dessert sp, herb yarrow same, as same cook, and 1/4 glass drink /day in chronic glomerulonephritis with albuminuria.
Leaf black currant dessert sp, berries Juniperus dessert sp, leaf birch, leaf bearberry, and one tbl.sp. leaf plantain, 1 tbl.sp. of cowberry leaf, one tbl.sp. leaf nettle, 1.5 tbl.sp. of field horse tail, 1.5 tbl.sp. of hibiscus fruits, 2 tbl.sp. fresh or dried berries Fragaria as two tbl.sp. mass ads in one l. of hot water, stew 30 minutes on water bath, filter, use warm as 3/4 glass for three times/day before meal.
Nettle 100 gr, yarrow 75 gr, black currant 100 gr, genista dye 100 gr, bedstraw 100 gr, hypericum 100 gr, agrimonia 100 gr, omela 10 gr, leaf birch 100 gr, as three tbl.sp. of herbs ads in thermos with three glasses of hot water, infuse night, filter,warm use as glass warm of for three times/day before meal.
Herb of kidney tea dessert sp, leaf plantain big same, herb horse tail field same, leaf nettle same, fl.calendula same, herb Biden's same,as two tbl.sp. ads in thermos in hot water pour over till top, infuse night, drink 1/3 glass for three times/day in glomerulonephritis with a high quantity of erythrocytes in blood.
One tbl.sp. dried chopped herb of buckwheat, ads in two glasses of hot water, infuse in closed dish for 30 minutes, warm into, use half glass for three times/day before meal.
Fr. hibiscus part, leaf of black currant part, leaf cowberry part, as two tbl.sp. mass ads in 1.5 glass for hot water, boiling for ten minutes, infuse two hours, drink on half glass warm for three times/day.
And water is soft, boiled for infusions cooking, as change one recipe on other, for addiction avoiding, as having analogist effect.
As glomerulonephritis is difficult disease, for difficult cure,and acute causing angina, scarlet fever, breath catarrh, otitis, and therefore you are avoiding these diseases and in display infection as stay in bed and right cure and in glomerulonephritis a good drinks as oats in milk as one tbl.sp. pats washed in hot water cooking in glass for hot water, filtering, drink on half glass every day ,as raising till 1/4 glass , as one glass and etc, and raising a oats till one tbl.sp and milk till two tbl.sp, and when you are leading till 5 glasses/day, beginning calculating back, and reacts is good a repeats procedure, and this cure liver, helps in gout, but milk on half milk diluting.
Hibiscus, cranberry and other berries do not boil, do stew, ads in hot water,warm closing, or ads in hot water in thermos.
And my relative for glomerulonephritis cure gives for children a juices mixtures,as pressed fresh and before every meal time, drinking till two times/day before meal, as first day of carrot juice 20 tbl.sp, juice of beet 6 tbl.sp, juice of cucumber 6 tbl.sp.
2 nd day as juice carrot 18 tbl.sp, juice celery 10 tbl.sp, juice Petroselinum four tbl.sp.
third day as juice of carrot 24 tblk.sp, juice of Petroselinum 8 tbl.sp.
Fourth day as carrot juice 20 tbl.sp, spinach 12 tbl.sp.
Fifth day as carrot juice 24 tbl.sp, turnip 8 tbl.sp.
Six day a cure begins again ,like on a first day, and on a same direction, and dosages are right, and keep right dosages, with measure cups on every juices variant.
As added 20 tbl.sp. of carrot juice, fix a plaster, after adding on 6 tbl.sp. of beet juice, again fixing plaster, adding 6 tbl.sp. of cucumber and again fixing plaster, and juices drinking within a month,after rest for month.
And a don not play a last role are for bathes, as herb adding cold water, boiling for 30 minutes, and do not filter,ad in bath, or dried herbs 800 gr, fresh 2 kg,water is warm, for 25 minutes taking, as for one time/week, before washing a body, and they are are additional cure to base cure, and parents are noting a graphic in diary on which day and what will to give for children of herbs, juice, baths and menu for week.
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