Gastritis, ulcer,tumor, hernia of diaphragm hole, where a first symptoms is heartburn.
If she very often,and stops your life,as if glass of milk, or fromage will not help you,and do not burn a heartburn with soda,she causes gasesand widen stomach,a base help is antacids are maalox,fosfalugel, or white cabbage juice,as 1/2 glass and of raw potato 1/3 glass,or 20 gr of hypericum, cudweed, yarrow, as three tbl.sp. mass ads in one l. of hot water, infuse 2 hours, drink 1/2 glass for 4 times/day,and good helps is Centaurea infusion of one tbl.sp. herb in two glasses of hot water.
If she very often,and stops your life,as if glass of milk, or fromage will not help you,and do not burn a heartburn with soda,she causes gasesand widen stomach,a base help is antacids are maalox,fosfalugel, or white cabbage juice,as 1/2 glass and of raw potato 1/3 glass,or 20 gr of hypericum, cudweed, yarrow, as three tbl.sp. mass ads in one l. of hot water, infuse 2 hours, drink 1/2 glass for 4 times/day,and good helps is Centaurea infusion of one tbl.sp. herb in two glasses of hot water.
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