They adding for kidneys, bowel,liver,gall, stones with, failure, infection, tuberculosis, stomach, pancreatitis, cardiovascular,, blood circulation bad, hypertension,atherosclerosis, ischemia, exhaustion, low weight, forces, immunity.
Cereals cooking before in water till ready, not a manna, milk not burning, adding in boiling milk, mixing, noodles boiling 20 minutes, shredding vegetables and in water boiling,after in milk, serve with butter oil piece, serve in the salt,sugar, soups colours are white,sweet,salted weak.
Milk noodles.
Cook pastry for noodles,as of flour, eggs,water mix a pastry, roll,dry, chop noodles,sieve, ads in boiling water with milk, cook 20 minutes.
Oats milk soup.
Glass of oats cooks in 4 glasses of water,rub, boiling 6 glasses of milk, ads salt, cinnamon pinch, dilute in thus a rubbed mass, boil, filter, serve with rusks, sugar.
Milk soup with ears.
Roll pastry of half glass of flour, egg, four wine glasses of water,salt, thin to roll, cook half glass of rice, ads in chopped hard boiled eggs, and one tea.sp. of oil, and this mass fill in ears,and before 1/4 of hiur tilll lunch ads ears in hot water, in raise up,ads in boiled milk, half l, salt, boil, serve, serve with sugar and powder of cinnamon.
Ears are a rolled kneels of pastry.
Milk rice soup.
Half l. of milk to boil, cook till a ready 1/4 glass of rice, scald on sieve and ads in half l. of boiled milk, boil,ads salt till a soup kind,as floury, thus rice does not rinse, serve sugar,cinnamon.
Milk millet soup.
Boil half l. of milk, ads 3/4 of millet glass,lead till readiness,salt, serve with sugar,or salt.
Milk soup with kneels.
Ads in plate as 50 gr of butter oil, rub with spoon, ads egg, three tbl.sp. of flour, mix,ads two tbl.s. of milk, ads pinch of sugar, salt, mix, and boil 6 glasses of milk, adding kneels with tea.sp, ads two tea.sp. of sugar, salt pinch, in ready soup ads butter oil, and serve right away.
Children s soup.
Ads in pot one tbl.sp. of flour, dilute her one glass of cold milk, boil two glasses of milk, adding slowly in soup as mixing, till balls not forming,ads a pinch of salt and two tbl.sp. of butter oil, boil on weak fire, mixing, avoiding a burning, serve before eating a yolk, fast mixing, soup is very nutrition.
Cereals cooking before in water till ready, not a manna, milk not burning, adding in boiling milk, mixing, noodles boiling 20 minutes, shredding vegetables and in water boiling,after in milk, serve with butter oil piece, serve in the salt,sugar, soups colours are white,sweet,salted weak.
Milk noodles.
Cook pastry for noodles,as of flour, eggs,water mix a pastry, roll,dry, chop noodles,sieve, ads in boiling water with milk, cook 20 minutes.
Oats milk soup.
Glass of oats cooks in 4 glasses of water,rub, boiling 6 glasses of milk, ads salt, cinnamon pinch, dilute in thus a rubbed mass, boil, filter, serve with rusks, sugar.
Milk soup with ears.
Roll pastry of half glass of flour, egg, four wine glasses of water,salt, thin to roll, cook half glass of rice, ads in chopped hard boiled eggs, and one tea.sp. of oil, and this mass fill in ears,and before 1/4 of hiur tilll lunch ads ears in hot water, in raise up,ads in boiled milk, half l, salt, boil, serve, serve with sugar and powder of cinnamon.
Ears are a rolled kneels of pastry.
Milk rice soup.
Half l. of milk to boil, cook till a ready 1/4 glass of rice, scald on sieve and ads in half l. of boiled milk, boil,ads salt till a soup kind,as floury, thus rice does not rinse, serve sugar,cinnamon.
Milk millet soup.
Boil half l. of milk, ads 3/4 of millet glass,lead till readiness,salt, serve with sugar,or salt.
Milk soup with kneels.
Ads in plate as 50 gr of butter oil, rub with spoon, ads egg, three tbl.sp. of flour, mix,ads two tbl.s. of milk, ads pinch of sugar, salt, mix, and boil 6 glasses of milk, adding kneels with tea.sp, ads two tea.sp. of sugar, salt pinch, in ready soup ads butter oil, and serve right away.
Children s soup.
Ads in pot one tbl.sp. of flour, dilute her one glass of cold milk, boil two glasses of milk, adding slowly in soup as mixing, till balls not forming,ads a pinch of salt and two tbl.sp. of butter oil, boil on weak fire, mixing, avoiding a burning, serve before eating a yolk, fast mixing, soup is very nutrition.
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