A lots of readers interesting about benefit grapefruits.Yes. A much vitamin C,like in oranges, and vitamins B,D,P,appreciated minerals , sugars, pectins, glycosides, as increasing appetite, regulating digestion processes. Fresh fruits, juice benefit for recivering after infetion diseases, physical, mental over loading,hypertension, low acidity and secretion of stomach juice. By Fedorov, doctor.
A how to fight bugs.
This is not simple. Bed bugs having an opening life method and attacking on human, or animal on the dark time. A thanks for fat body forms are hiding in any holes, as in furniture, behind wallpapers, plints doors, carpets, pictures, shelves, close your bed.
Theirs bites are not hurt, in cuts of skin having redness and itch, but lots of bites causing headaches, nausea, lowering vision, but right facts about bite bugs of bed are not having, but by researches are shown, that in bugs organism long time staying agents of dangerous diseases as typhus, tularemia, fever KU etc . And if a flat staying empty long time they are not dead, but staying in numbness and endure hunger on 10–18 months. And for searching prey they are changing easy places for livers and going in other room, or flat, as on warm season of year they are travelling on external walls of houses. Bugs you can be starting by old books, pictures, furniture, as bough in second hand, trash in taken, thus furniture bough from second hand need good to check and clean, if you found black spots filling ,and empty, thus are moulting skins ,thus are bugs having. And for theirs, killing using insecticides ,which you can order online or buy in markets .a SOL. OF insecticide apply by sprinkle or by brush on a not painted furniture sides, under wallpapers, under plinths, thus a good laundry clothes, ironing by iron , laundry bed clothes, sheets, blankets, mattress , pillows, carpets give in cleaning places. At books, shelves, chairs bugs killing with affecting of low extremities, that better put theirs on frosts on minus 18C and lower, for 1-2 hours. And insectile remedies manufacturing doing opened windows , and ventilate places a good for smell removing an insectile, use rubber gloves, wear mask on face. If in 5–7 days you find bugs again, thus again to do cleaning.
By Kirjuhantseva, a science employee by disinfection and sterilization.
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